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Reviewing the Law indecent images child pornography


Indecent image and sexual communications cases are a specialised area of law. 


I have explained all the key offences with extra guidance on key points to consider 

Rated excellent on Trustpilot

Indecent images overview

Click to get an overview of indecent images law with answers to key questions.


Indecent images law and legislation

Click to get more detailed information on the law and legislation. 


Sexual communication with a child

Click to get an overview of the law in relation to sexual communication with a child, with answers to key questions.


Sex offenders register

Click to understand the notification requirements and consequences of breaches. 


Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO)

Click to understand the prohibitions imposed, breach implications and the rights to appeal.


How I can help


If you are concerned about or accused of an indecent images or sexual communication with a child offence I understand what you are going through, I know how much you can lose and how important it is to make the right decisions to protect yourself, your family, your livelihood, your reputation, your privacy and your liberty.


Whatever your circumstances I can help, I am a solicitor with specialist knowledge of indecent images and sexual communication with a child laws.


My aim is to get you the best possible outcome, so you can get on with you life again.


I am on your side when you need help the most. 


Read real case studies of my competed cases here


Book an appointment or Contact me today. ​


Contact me to see how I can help.


Please note - I do not offer legal aid services.




124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX

Visitors by appointment only

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